2024 Climate Future Forum Highlights
What an incredible day of youth activism and engagement at the 2024 Climate Future Forum! Seeing over 100 young leaders come together at the State Capitol to meet with lawmakers and shape climate policy was truly inspiring. Your voices echoed through the halls of the Capitol with purpose and passion.
Key Highlights:
80+ youth leaders engaged in meaningful dialogue with lawmakers
5 dynamic policy working groups focused on:
Energy & Transportation
Regenerative Food Systems
Sustainable Infrastructure
Climate Economy
Human Rights and Climate Justice
20+ organizations participated in powerful networking with youth in the Climate Summit
Youth Voice Climate in Climate Action presentations in the Capitol Rotunda
Policy Posters
23-24 Priorities
Regenerative Food Systems
Farm to school
Creating new position in DOE and UH CTAR (more farm to school, school garden, and Arborists coordinators)
Food insecurity and imported foods
Farm to food bank program and Hawaii food assistance program special fund (SB430)
Restoration of Native Hawaiian farming practices
Food Waste
Climate and The Economy
Carbon Cashback
Tax importers and producers of fossil fuels
exception for local agriculture vs. culturally-based/diversified agriculture systems
Return 80% of revenues to people in lowest four quintiles
20% of revenues available for subsidies for solar panels, electric vehicles, regenerative food systems
Clean Energy and Transportation
HB199 HD1 zero emission vehicle purchasing assistance for vehicle fleets
SB965 SD2 HD1 Green Infrastructure Transportation Taskforce
continuous emissions monitoring from incinerators for hazardous air pollutants like dioxins, furans, mercury, and heavy metals
City and County
Expansion of the bus transportation systems
zero-emission school bus mandate and incentives to support fleet transition. This will also address keiki health.
Clean Energy
Solar on Newly Constructed Homes
Hawaiʻi Home Energy Assistance Program
Permitting Reform
SB 1154 - Wheeling
Dismantle HELCO, create co-op
Climate Justice & Human Rights
Climate research funding
Where is Hawaii in the process of combating climate change?
Who in Hawaii are most affected by climate change?
Research database
Appropriate funding to DOE for climate education programs
Promoting factual climate change lessons
Initiatives we support:
Carbon Cashback - extra emphasis on redistribution of resources
The Green Fee - sustainable reliance on tourism
Sustainable Infrastructure & Development
What is urban planning?
The Problem- Low Density/Urban Sprawl:
Single family home mandates vs. other housing
Wasteful: More resources spent, more energy spent, more carbon emissions
Dependent on cars for transportation—> more carbon emissions
A Solution- Higher density/Upzoning
Decrease in carbon emissions
Apartments and multi family homes (less space taken up, building up instead of out)
Everything is in walking distance —-> less reliance on cars
Promotes healthier transportation options: Biking, walking, etc
Other Solutions:
Affordable eco-housing/material
Tiny house/portable houses
Renewable energy
Planting trees
Multipurpose homes
California [SB9]: Legalizes (with small exceptions like for fire-prone areas) building duplexes in all previously single family home zones
Washington [HB1351] Reduces minimum lot size requirements
[HB839] 2023: Eligible housing developers prepare mandatory statement on sustainability efforts and environmental impact
[HB837] Establishes objectives for green spaces and green infrastructure, making plants and tree lines available in public spaces